Operation Building Bright 2.0
[Application for the 3rd Round "Operation Building Bright 2.0"
(For Category 1 Buildings Only) has been closed on 30 September 2023]
With a view to safeguarding public safety, the Hong Kong government injected HK$6 billion and partnered with the Urban Renewal Authority (“URA”) to implement “Operation Building Bright 2.0” (“OBB 2.0”), assisting the owner-occupiers of eligible residential or composite buildings to act in compliance with the requirements under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (“MBIS”).
Target Buildings
There are two categories of buildings applicable under the third round of OBB 2.0:
Category 1
Category 1 covers buildings whose owners or owners' organisations are prepared to carry out the prescribed inspection and repair works involving the common parts of their buildings on a voluntary basis in accordance with the requirements under the MBIS;
The completed Application Form and necessary supporting documents must be returned to URA on or before 30 September 2023.
Eligibility Criteria (For Category 1 Buildings Only)
Building applying for the third round of OBB2.0 must meet all of the following criteria:
1. The building is a private residential (including a building held by a Civil Servants' Co-operative Building Society (“CBS”)) or composite (commercial & residential) building aged 30 or above according to the Occupation Permit, i.e. the date of the Occupation Permit shall be 30 September 1993 or before; and
2. The average annual rateable value of domestic units in the building which sited in urban areas (including Shatin, Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan) should not exceed HK$187,000 or should not exceed HK$143,000 if the building sited in the New Territories; and
3. Meet the requirements from para. 3.1 or para. 3.2 below
3.1 Building aged 40 or above
Regardless of whether the building owners have received statutory notice(s) or pre-notification letter(s) issued by BD for mandatory inspection of the common parts of the building, the owners' organisations/owners are prepared to carry out the prescribed inspection and repair works in accordance with the requirements under the MBIS, but the compliance letter(s) confirming the completion and compliance of the prescribed inspection and prescribed repairs under the MBIS requirements had not been issued by BD/ Independent Checking Unit as of 6 January 2023; or
3.2 Building aged between 30 or above
BD/ Independent Checking Unit has issued statutory notice(s) or pre-notification letter(s) for mandatory inspection of the common parts of the building, but the compliance letter(s) confirming the completion and compliance of the prescribed inspection and prescribed repairs under the MBIS requirements had not been issued by BD/ Independent Checking Unit as of 6 January 2023; and
4. Unless the owners or the owners’ organisation thereof have invited tenders for contract of repair works on or before 6 January 2023 and the tendering process has been verified by URA as in conformity with the relevant requirements in the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) and the Deed of Mutual Covenants of the building (if applicable). Contracts of inspection service and repair works must be procured through URA’s fee-charged service known as the “Smart Tender Building Rehabilitation Facilitating Services Scheme” (“Smart Tender”).
Owner's organisations and Applicant's Representatives
• For building with owners’ corporation (OC), the OC shall be the Applicant who submit the application to the URA.
• For buildings without an OC or those held by CBS, all owners collectively or the CBS (as the case may be) shall be the Applicant who submit the application to URA. Please read the “Application Notes for building without Owners’ Corporation” in Annex I to the IBRAS Application Form for the application requirements and details