Fire Safety Provisions
Vandalism/ mis-use; failure of hinges/ door closers of fire doors; lack of proper routine maintenance.
Fire Service Installation and Equipment
Blockage or leakage of components of the supply system such as pipes or valves; failure of pump; breakage of the supply system; damage, corrosion or failure of pipes, joints or valves; alarm wiring defect; short circuit; inadequate protection; poor management; and inadequate maintenance repair will result in defective Fire Service Installation.
How to handle?
Fire Safety Provisions
Replace / repair damaged parts of fire door such as glazing of vision panels, handles, door hinges and door closers; replacement of whole set of fire door (including door frame) with a valid fire certificate.
Fire Service Installation and Equipment
Owners’ Corporation should appoint a registered fire service installation contractor to repair faulty or damaged fire service installations.
Section 16 of Waterworks Ordinance (Cap 102) - Water Supplies Department (WSD)
Notices may be served to registered consumers of inside services or fire services or to agents of communal services in the following situations:
• unauthorized alteration of waterworks;
• waste or pollution of a supply or there being such a risk; or
• non-compliance of inside services or fire services under the provisions of the Waterworks Ordinance.
Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (Cap 572) - Fire Services Department (FSD) & Buidlings Department (BD)
For better protection to the users, owners/occupiers of composite and domestic buildings are required to improve the fire services installation and equipment as well as fire safety constructions, such as fire resistant doors, in their buildings with reference to the stipulated standards.
The Ordinance provides for the improvement of fire safety measures in composite and domestic buildings built or with building plans first submitted for approval on or before 1st March 1987. Upon completion of an inspection of the premises, FSD and BD will serve Fire Safety Directions or Fire Safety Improvement Directions separately on the OCs/owners/occupiers as necessary, directing them to comply with the requirements by carrying out improvement works.
If you want to know more information about fire protection measures and public awareness of fire , please browse the webpage of Public Education of FSD
Smart Tips for Fire Safety Improvement Works
In order to assist the buildings who have not joined the URA subsidy scheme or those who intend to carry out fire safety improvement works, URA has produced a video to remind the owners to pay attention to the status of the building's fire safety and know more details on fire safety improvement works.